Friday, October 28, 2011

Words of a wise Bishop

This week I have been reminded of something my husband's bishop said as he was counseling us prior to our wedding. He is a psychologist and teaches on campus, so we had an excellent interview. What struck me the most about what he said was that no matter what, your relationship with your spouse is the most important. This was weird to me, because I had always believed that once kids come along they should be your main area of focus. And to a point that is true, kids take more time than I understand right now. However, the bishop went on to explain that people change, and if we neglect to maintain a close relationship with our spouse during child rearing years that one day, when the kids all have moved out, we will not know our spouse at all. And when you think about it in an eternal perspective, the one you want to be with throughout all eternity should be your spouse, because they are the only one who won't have moved out and started their own family. This tied in super well for me with the powerpoint of Avoiding the Baby Blues. I'm glad it reaffirmed the parental relationship during the time of raising children. I hope I can be strong enough to maintain that relationship and be the best wife and mom I can be.

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